Gomocup Schedule, 17th-19th of May 2024

There will be 2 freestyle (20x20) groups (i.e., Freestyle-20 1 and 2), 2 freestyle (15x15) groups (i.e., Freestyle-15 1 and 2), 1 fastgame group (Fastgame), 2 standard groups (i.e., Standard 1 and 2), 1 renju group (Renju), and 1 caro group (Caro) in Gomocup 2024. Elo rating system is used to evaluate AIs' strength. The memory limit is determined to 350MB. Time per move/per match will be 5s/120s for fastgame, 300s/1000s for final leagues (i.e., Freestyle-20 1, Freestyle-15 1, Standard 1, Renju, and Caro), and 30s/180s for the rest (i.e., Freestyle-20 2, Freestyle-15 2, and Standard 2).

AIs were divided into different freestyle and standard groups according to the placement in the last tournament. In particular, the division for freestyle-15 is based on the last freestyle standings on the 20x20 board as it is the first year we have freestyle-15 in Gomocup. For Freestyle-20 2, Freestyle-15 2, and Standard 2, the top 4 AIs will move up to the next group (i.e., Freestyle-20 1, Freestyle-15 1, and Standard 1, respectively). If the top k (k>4) places were all taken by new or updated AIs in a group, then all these k AIs would advance to the next group.

In Fastgame, Freestyle-20 2, Freestyle-15 2, and Standard 2, we do not match every pair of AIs. Instead, for old AIs, we only match every pair of them whose last year's Elo difference was no more than 400. We still match each brand new/updated AI with all AIs.

In addition, there will be an unlimited tournament, where AIs will be running on participants' computers. This unlimited tournament has no limitation on AI size and allows participants to use any hardware (e.g., GPUs) that they have access to. Time per match will be 120 min. There is no additional time limitation per move. Following Gomoku World Championships, the rule for this tournament is Swap2.

What is new?

Schedule (tentative)


Freestyle-20 1

Freestyle-20 2

Freestyle-15 1

Freestyle-15 2

Standard 1

Standard 2

Renju League

Caro League


Tournament Computers

Tencent Cloud Servers SA2.8XLARGE64 (Windows Server 2022, x64 32 vCPU (AMD EPYC 7K62, 2.6/3.3GHz), 64GB RAM)


Gomocup is sponsored by Tech Center of Lightspeed & Quantum Studios Group, Tencent